Secure Email and File Sharing
Learn about how data can be shared safely across different Stevens IT platforms while minimizing the risk of data exposure and breaches while maintaining ease of access for end-users.
How to Share Sensitive Data Safely
At Stevens, maximizing collaboration and productivity are integral to the work we do. Therefore, the university's most valuable and sensitive data and information travels between different users, systems, and IT infrastructures.
For Sensitive Data in:
Use the Following:
Use these Controls for Sensitive Information:
Exchange (Office 365)
Apply Sensitivity Labels to encrypt sensitive email messages.
OneDrive & SharePoint
OneDrive and SharePoint offer data owners multiple built-in controls for sharing and collaboration on Microsoft Office documents.
Stevens’ Exchange email system is part of Microsoft’s Office 365 cloud suite, which offers sensitivity labels that can be applied to encrypt any email message quickly and effectively. Users can apply Sensitive or Restricted labels on their email messages to encrypt and send any email securely outside of the Stevens email tenant, for more information review the Email Sensitivity knowledge base article.
OneDrive and SharePoint offer various functionality for secure sharing. Documents can be shared externally on OneDrive, both via email and a link. To share documents externally from SharePoint, ask the owner of the SharePoint Document Library if this feature has been enabled, if it has not, please have the owner contact IT at OneDrive and SharePoint have features such as tracking changes, revoking access, setting passwords, and time limits for sharing that make it a great platform for sharing sensitive and valuable data.
Storing Data
OneDrive and SharePoint are the recommended storage solutions for the Stevens community. OneDrive offers generous storage with over 5 TBs per user, while SharePoint storage is geared towards department and functional units. Both OneDrive and SharePoint are supported by backend security controls which make these platforms ideal for storing sensitive data and information.
While Google is still available to Stevens users with 10 GB per user, it is not intended for storing any sensitive or personal information due to its lack of robust security features.
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